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Our Story

It all started in lockdown!


Working full-time and home schooling was challenging to say the least! My 10 year old daughter 'Chloe' was learning about the lifecycle of a sunflower and we had to create a poster to illustrate this.

Chloe asked me a question "Mum, why are you always working on your computer?" I replied I need to work to earn some money! Being at home all day she experienced me working as a graphic designer on various projects. One particular job I was working on was a poster for a client that was being sold on Etsy.


I had an idea to combine Chloe's poster and set up her very own shop on Etsy to sell it.
(Anything to get her to finish off this sunflower poster project!!). There's nothing better than playing shops with kids eh!

Our sunflower poster started to sell and that's when we designed our very own 'Grow your own Sunflower Kit'..... Chloe had a hands on experience fulfilling each order that came in!


Our kits have gone from strength to strength and we have now developed and set up 'EMSA Bulbs'. Personalised Bulb Gift Boxes for any occasion. 


Using Chloe's school project, my design skills and a little bit of imagination - maybe home schooling wasn't as bad as we both thought!!! ...... A lesson for us all!


Please have a look at our website and drop us a line about your experiences during lockdown. 

Chloe loves hearing your stories and you never know, she could take your message into school for a show and tell!


Take Care
Lisa and Chloe x


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