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Anemones are one of the toughest, most productive, earliest-blooming and longest-lasting flowers that you could grow!


Where to Plant

Anemones aren’t fussy about soil, they will perform best when planted in well-draining containers or garden areas. 

Choose a location where the soil drains well and your Anemones will receive full to half-day sun. If water puddles remain 5–6 hours after a hard rain in your outdoor planting spot, scout out another site.


How to Plant 

Soak the bulbs for a few hours in lukewarm water to wake them up before planting and help them develop strong roots.

Dig holes and plant your bulbs 3” deep and 3–4” apart. It doesn’t matter which end is facing up as Anemones will grow regardless of their position. Fill containers, if using, with good quality, well-drained soil. Water after planting to gently soak the soil and settle it around the bulbs.


How to Grow

Water as needed during active growth periods. About 1” of water per week is a reasonable estimate.

Add bone meal to the soil for an additional boost of nutrition (optional).

Leave the foliage in place at the end of the blooming season rather than trim it off. The leaves will gather sunlight to create food through photosynthesis, strengthening the bulbs for the future. You can remove the foliage when the leaves turn yellow and die back as the plant slips into dormancy.

Apply a layer of mulch, straw, or leaves around the plants to help protect them from winter elements.

Our bulbs are thoroughly tested to the highest standards by our wholesaler who carries the Royal Warrant.

Anemone Corms (25 or 50)



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